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November 11 2011 - Marrero, LA (PRWEB)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Study on Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Completed

To all Veterans, Dr. Harch, Juliette Harch, and Claire Aubrey of Harch Hyperbarics and the staff of the Family Physicians Center would like to thank you for your service.

Preliminary evidence from a study of low pressure Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for veterans with chronic blast-induced traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and/or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is about to be published. The study was initiated to test the safety and feasibility of HBOT in these conditions, but somewhat surprisingly demonstrated stunning improvements in the veterans. Dr. Harch and colleagues hope the study results will begin to change the way the medical field looks at this life and quality-of-life-saving therapy.

This brain injury program is a direct result of the many years of experience of Dr. Harch treating chronically brain-injured patients. In the late 1980's while at the Jo Ellen Smith Hyperbaric Medicine Unit, Dr. Harch observed patients with cerebral decompression sickness and/or air embolism who responded to hyperbaric oxygen therapy long after treatment of inert gas bubbles had passed or with delayed treatment months to years after standard U.S. Navy treatments had achieved partial success. In addition, Dr. Harch observed patients with traumatic brain injury or stroke who, months to years after their head injury experienced gratuitous neurological improvement during the course of hyperbaric treatment.

Now, in a continuing effort to have TBI/PTSD recognized as one of the standard accepted indications for HBOT treatment this phase-one study has been completed. With TBI/PTSD renowned as the signature wound acquired from the war on terror Dr. Harch wants all veterans to know that help is available.

To all Veterans, Dr. Harch, Juliette Harch, and Claire Aubrey of Harch Hyperbarics and the staff of the Family Physicians Center would like to thank you for your service.

“To the Veterans who participated in the LSU Pilot Trial Harch Hyperbarics and the staff of the Family Physicians Center thank you for your special service. You placed your trust and confidence in them, took a chance on hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and came to New Orleans for treatment from all over the United States. Your commitment of time, energy, and trust hopefully was personally rewarding, but is about to contribute immeasurably to the future health of the hundreds of thousands of fellow Veterans with concussion and post-traumatic stress disorder who have been unable to access the life and quality of life saving potential of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Within the next week the first article on the study in which you participated will be published. The abstract can be accessed at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22026588. The full article will soon be published on the Journal of Neurotrauma's website: http://www.liebertonline.com/toc/neu/0/jai. Again, thank you for your service and thank you to the many military service and veteran service organizations, non-profit foundations, and private citizens who contributed the funds to complete this study.”

Dr. Harch and staff.

Harch Hyperbarics Inc.
5216 LAPALCO Blvd
Marrero, LA



Source :

November 22 2011
A Phase I Study of Low-Pressure Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Blast-Induced Post-Concussion Syndrome and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Dr. Paul G. Harch, M.D.

Harch Hyperbarics Inc.
5216 LAPALCO Blvd
Marrero, LA

Dr. Harch is a hyperbaric medicine, diving, and emergency medicine physician who is a Diplomate of the American Board of Hyperbaric Medicine and the Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine of the American Board of Physician Specialties.

Dr. Harch's clinical experience through 2007 spans 23 years in hospital-based emergency medicine and 21 years of hyperbaric medicine. He graduated from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1980 and was awarded Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa status on graduation from college. He has trained in general surgery, radiology, diving, and hyperbaric medicine.

In recognition of his accomplishments in clinical practice, teaching, and research he was awarded fellowship status in the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine in 1997. He also received the Edgar End Award from the American College of Hyperbaric Medicine in 1994 and the Richard A. Neubauer Award for Excellence in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Pediatric Neurology in 2003.

Co-author of THE OXYGEN REVOLUTION, Dr. Harch provides a wealth of insight into groundbreaking new treatment for Stroke, Alzheimers, Parkinson's, Brain Injuries, Arthritis, Diabetes, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Heart Disease, Birth Injuries, Learning Disabilities, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, Lou Gehrigs Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Asthma, Lyme Disease, AIDS, Alcohol Abuse, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Vision Loss and more.

''... no further studies need be done on HBOT in CP. When the rules used to compose the Accepted Indications List are applied to CP the evidence is
found to exceed that of the majority of diagnoses on the list. It is time for responsible physicians to acknow ledge this and add CP to the list

Dr Paul Harch, extract from:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Cerebral Palsy and pediatric neurology - A scientific perspective (Juin 2004)


Meet with Dr. Harch and many experts in the field.
August 0-12 2012
Long Beach California


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